Embedded Systems Work

Verilog Master Class

Gate Level Modeling, Data Level Modeling, Behavioural Modeling Starting from Adder till Processor Design.

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Smart Washing Machine

Controlling the Operation of Washing machine using bluetooth mobile app (rotation, on-off) using STM32F407

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Processor Design

Implementation of ALU, Control Units, Registers, Muxes and other necessary components. Processor Operation Implemented by following flow Diagram.

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MicroProcessor Systems

LED blink, 7-segment Interfacing, LCD Interfacing, UART Interfacing, TIMERS, SYSTIC, Interrupts using STM32F407.

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Control Systems Work

Digital Signal Processing

Starting from basic operations on signals uptil filter designing for our applications, (Analog Filter Design, Digital Filter Design, Structures Realization, FFT, DFT. DTFT etc.)

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Fire Protection System

Arduino used for Implementing this system, click learn more for seeing YouTube Video

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MATLAB Master Class

Matrixes, Algebra, Probability, Signal Processing, Audio Processing, Image Processing Plotting

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